Committee Meetings

1 Plenary Meetings.

On September 22, 2021. the plenary meeting of the Chemistry Committee was opened by Prof. Janusz Jurczak, Chairman of the Committee, who welcomed the participants and provided information that at the meeting of the Presidium a final decision was taken to send complete documents about six candidates for members of the Correspondents of PAS to all members of the Committee.

2. Meetings of the Committee Presidium.

On 20 September 2021 the meeting of the Committee Presidium was opened by Prof. Janusz Jurczak, Chairman of the Committee, who welcomed the participants and provided information on the forthcoming elections for members of the Correspondents of PAN and the points which will provide opinions on the candidates. He informed about the submission of six candidates.

3. Meetings of Commissions, Sections and Groups.

The Committee did not appoint any Commission, Section or Panel.


Conferences (scientific conferences organized / co-organized by the Committee or under its auspices):

1 National Conference 22-24.09.2021 - LIII National Catalytic Colloquium; Institute of Catalysis and Surface Physicochemistry named after Jerzy Haber PAS (Krakow) and on-line

Organizers: Institute of Catalysis and Surface Physics named after Jerzy Haber PAS; Committee on Chemistry PAS; Polish Catalysis Club European Research Institute of Catalysis.

2. International Symposium 7-10.10. 2021 - Symposium on Modern Organic Synthesis; Institute of Organic Chemistry PAS (Warsaw) and on-line

Organizers: Institute of Organic Chemistry PAS; Committee on Chemistry PAS.